Sunday 10 June 2012

Foundations 62 (Spring 2012)

Issue 62 of Foundations: An International Journal of Evangelical Theology, published by Affinity, is now freely available (here in its entirety as a pdf).
Here is the editorial summary of the articles which are also listed below:
Steven Mittwede shows how the relationship between justification and sanctification in Paul’s letters helps us to avoid the pitfalls of legalistic religion; at stake, he says ‘is the spiritual health of individual believers and local fellowships of believers’. Derek Bigg contributes helpfully and practically on the neglected subject of the public reading of Scripture. Chris Thomas writes as a pastor and chaplain on the way in which chaplaincy work reflects a consistent theme throughout Scripture of God’s presence in the world he has made. He ends with a pertinent challenge to us all. Oliver Gross provides a thorough exegetical study of John 3:5 and comes to a well-argued (and, to some, controversial) conclusion. Finally, Kieran Beville gives us a useful survey of the main players in the phenomenon of New Atheism and encourages us, like David facing Goliath, to have courageous hearts. Book reviews from Stephen Clark, Gareth Williams, Paul Yeulett and Ro Mody complete this edition.’
Steven K Mittwede
The Relationship Between Paul’s Soteriology and his Ethics
Derek Bigg
Public Bible Reading: A Neglected Gift of Grace

Chris Thomas
Gospel Chaplaincy in a Secular World
Oliver Gross
The Interpretation of John 3:5
Kieran Beville
Aggressive Atheism
Book Reviews

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