Tuesday 12 April 2011

Spring Harvest Day 4

This year, Spring Harvest is exploring four key metaphors for Scripture. The first is Scripture as a sonnet; the second is Scripture as a symphony; the third is Scripture as a screenplay.

‘Turning to the concept of a screenplay we will explore the drama and community of the Bible. Scripture is the means by which the story of God is handed passed on to God’s people in each and every generation. We will see God’s story through the dramas in which his people find themselves. These are the driving force of Scripture. Through these episodes, events, characters and community God’s words are heard and come to life for all time. The Bible is the script that brings God’s story into our lives, and the invitation to us to play our part in his divine drama.’

The Bible readings this morning were based on Malachi 2:10-3:12, covering three areas in which God’s people have broken their covenant relationship with him.

The Bible focus in the evening Big Top Celebration was devoted to God-breathed Prayer, a different style of evening celebration, with an emphasis on participation and corporate prayer.

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