Monday 11 April 2011

Spring Harvest Day 2

This year, Spring Harvest is exploring four key metaphors for Scripture. The first is Scripture as a sonnet:

‘Using the image of a sonnet we will explore the authority and inspiration of the Bible. These are the texts through which God speaks and in them we hear him speaking love to us. The authority of the Bible is rooted in its authorship and the desire of the author to make himself known. The Bible is the creator’s love-song for his creatures. However, not only are we the object of God’s affections – we are also the reason for his hope. The Bible declares God’s confidence in Christ and his people; together they will make all things new.’

The Bible readings this morning were based on Malachi 1:1-5, highlighting God’s choice of Israel, and introducing the theme of God’s covenant relationship with Israel.

The Bible focus in the evening Big Top Celebration was on Genesis 1:1-3 and 2:1-7 – the Holy Spirit in creation, exploring the Holy Spirit’s role in the making of the world, and the claim that every human breathes ‘the breath of God’.

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