Saturday 2 April 2011

Nicholas King on Translation and the KJV

Nicholas King, ‘Translation and the KJV’, Scripture Bulletin 41, 1 (2011), 19-29.

King explores four points:

‘In this essay, I should like to argue that i) all translation is a political act; that is to say, it involves the exercise of various kinds of power; ii) that all translation, especially biblical translation, fails; iii) that all translation is done into and out of a particular context; and iv) that the question of what you are doing when you translate runs close to the heart of the human quest for meaning’ (20).

The same issue also contains an an assessment, by Adrian Graffy, of the recently-published Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini, the post-synodal document to the 2008 Synod on the word of God.

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