Thursday 5 March 2020

Christians, Churches, and the Coronavirus

It’s been interesting to see what feels to me like a sudden proliferation of Christians reflecting on the Coronavirus, and denominations offering advice to their churches.

The Church of England’s advice is here.

The Baptist Union of Great Britain’s advice is here.

The Methodist Church’s advice is here.

The Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches’ advice is here.

There’s a piece by Ed Stetzer on the Christianity Today website here, and a piece by Todd Wagner on the Gospel Coalition website here.

The Evangelical Alliance has posted some helpful reflections here.

Also helpful, and also from a UK perspective, is a piece from Ian Paul and others – ‘Responding faithfully to the Coronavirus’ – which concludes this way:

So how should we respond? Wash your hands, and recite the Lord’s Prayer as you do (it is better than singing ‘Happy birthday’ twice). Trust in God, care for the sick, and share your hope of life beyond death.’

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