Thursday 5 December 2013

A Missional Reading of Scripture

Huge thanks to Eddie Arthur for drawing attention to the availability of audio files from the recent ‘A Missional Reading of Scripture’ Conference at Calvin Seminary in the US. I was aware the conference was taking place, but was not aware the fruits would be made more widely available, which is very kind of the conference speakers and sponsors. Audio files (and a video file) along with some handouts are available from Calvin Theological Seminary.

Below is the blurb for the event and a list of the plenary topics and speakers along with the workshops.

‘Over the past century a number of scholars have recognized that mission is not simply a peripheral theme in the biblical story. Rather, it is a central thread in the biblical writings and central to the identity of the church. Thus, a missional hermeneutic is a way of reading Scripture in which mission is a central interpretive key that unlocks the whole narrative of Scripture. It does not simply study the theme of mission but reads the whole of the biblical canon with mission as one of its central themes. This conference will explore what it might mean to read both the Old Testament and the New Testament with a missional hermeneutic, and what that might mean for missional praxis of the church, specifically preaching, theological education, and the life of the local congregation.’

Plenary topics and speakers

Christopher J.H. Wright
A Missional Reading of the Old Testament

Michael W. Goheen 
A Missional Reading of Scripture and Preaching

N.T. Wright 
A Missional Reading of the New Testament

Darrell L. Guder 
A Missional Reading of Scripture and Theological Education


Mark Glanville
Church for the Thriving of the World: Preaching Deuteronomy Missionally

Tyler Johnson and Chris Gonzalez
Pastoring People unto Life: Implications of a Missional Hermeneutic for the Local Congregation

Gayle Doornbos
J.H. Bavinck’s Missional Reading of Scripture

Tim Sheridan
Missional, Christ-Centered, or Gospel-Centered Preaching – What’s the Difference?

Scot Sherman
Missional Liturgy: Remembering and Rehearsing the True Story of the World

George Hunsberger
Fundamental Turns toward a Missional Hermeneutic

Carl Bosma
Reading and Preaching the Psalms Missionally

Chuck DeGroat
Missional Spirituality

John Franke
Missional Plurality: A Hermeneutic of Christian Witness


stevebishop said...

Thanks for drawing attention to this - looks like some great resources.

Antony said...

Thanks Steve – and yes, I’m interested in every one of these sessions.