Sunday 3 November 2013

Currents in Biblical Research 12, 1 (October 2013)

The latest Currents in Biblical Research is now out; abstracts of the main articles are as below.

Heath A. Thomas
A Survey of Research on Lamentations (2002–2012)
The biblical book of Lamentations has received extensive scholarly attention in the past decade, research that moves beyond traditional historical-critical approaches. Although these traditional approaches have by no means been abandoned, new trends are nevertheless emerging. This article will survey the diverse field of research on Lamentations with particular focus given to feminist, psychological, theological, ecological, post-colonial and reception-historical approaches to Lamentations. The essay will, however, begin by presenting the rich work done on historical treatments of the book, as well as discussing the text and versions of Lamentations.

Conrad E. Ostwalt
The Bible, Religion, and Film in the Twenty-first Century
This article examines developments in the academic study of the relationship between the Bible, religion, and film since 2000. The author reflects upon the status of the ‘discipline’ of ‘religion and film’, asking whether or not this area of study has evolved into a full-fledged addition to the religious studies curriculum. In addition, the article offers a brief examination of some representative films that intersect with religion and the Bible, and reviews some of the representative scholarship in the field. The conclusion of the article is that interest in religion and film is strong, and that scholarship is ongoing and productive.

David I. Yoon
The Ideological Inception of Intertextuality and its Dissonance in Current Biblical Studies
Much confusion surrounds the term ‘intertextuality’, especially regarding its usage in biblical studies today. Though the origin of the technical usage of the term is casually noted by many authors, few seem to note its implications. This essay will retrace the postmodern origins of ‘intertextuality’, namely in Julia Kristeva, and show that its usage in biblical studies today is dissonant to its original intent. In the second part of this essay, I will focus on the work of Richard Hays, who is commonly understood to have first applied the term in biblical studies, in relation to the presence of the Old Testament in the New Testament. After my analysis, I propose an alternative that I consider to be a clearer option, so as not to confuse the current usage of the term with its original intent.

Timothy W. Reardon
Recent Trajectories and Themes in Lukan Soteriology
Lukan soteriology, although playing a central role in the theology of Luke–Acts, has traditionally been viewed as an incomplete concept. Although Luke–Acts presents the reality of salvation, most suppose that there is no substantial presentation of the means of salvation. However, there have been recent challenges to the traditional conceptions of Lukan soteriology. This has included attempts to identify a more holistic understanding of salvation, alternate concepts of atonement, and reformulations of salvation history in Luke–Acts. Beginning from Hans Conzelmann’s presentation of Lukan salvation-history based on the delay of the Parousia, which is foundational for the modern discussion, we will investigate the development of the concepts of Lukan soteriology such as salvation history, the scope of salvation, presentation of the atonement and theology of the cross, identifying issues of methodology, terminology and theology necessary for the further development of Lukan soteriology.

Seth M. Ehorn
The Use of Psalm 68(67).19 in Ephesians 4.8: A History of Research
Because Eph. 4.8 has an altered citation of Ps. 68(67).19, interpreters have developed polarizing opinions about the author’s sources and his citation techniques, ranging from the claim that the citation is aberrant or that it summarizes the whole psalm. In this study, it is suggested that such diverse opinions do not take account of ancient citation practices or Jewish exegetical procedures. The survey examines key interpreters and treatments in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, focusing on the question of the author’s Vorlage and the interpretive use of the psalm in Eph. 4.8. The survey shows that the prevalent view that Ephesians appropriates a (pre-)targumic or early Christian tradition has led to an under-appreciation of the christological significance of Eph. 4.8.

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