Tuesday 3 May 2011

Lausanne World Pulse (May 2011)

The themed articles in May 2011’s Lausanne World Pulse are devoted to the power of testimony.

Julianne George

Storytelling: Opening Hearts to the Gospel

A personal account of how sharing examples of how we have told others about the gospel can open up the hearts of non-Christians around us.

Rachel Fields

For Real?!

How one Muslim man's faith in Jesus has led increasing numbers of fellow Muslims in his community to also put their trust in Jesus as Saviour and Lord.

Ron Kernahan

Power of Personal Testimony in the Muslim World

The more faith we have, the more we can personally testify of Christ so that others will be changed. The author demonstrates this through two stories.

Laurie Fortunak Nichols

The Power of Personal Testimony: Part 1, Sharing the Story of Our Lives

We all have a story – our story. As Christians, it is our claim to fame.

Laurie Fortunak Nichols

The Power of Personal Testimony: Part 2, Listening First in an Upside-Down Kingdom

We must pull out a divinely-inspired, deeply-passionate understanding that each person we encounter deserves the sum total of our attention, love, and comfort in each moment.

The Executive Summary is available here, and the full version here.

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