Wednesday 26 January 2011

More of Michael Horton on The Christian Faith

Having posted some time back (here, here, and here) on Michael Horton’s The Christian Faith (just out from Zondervan), I thought I’d mention that he is interviewed about the project here by John Starke and here by Jonathan Leeman.

A few highlights:

‘My basic approach is this: Theology arises first of all out of the drama of redemption, from which certain doctrines emerge that generate doxology and shape our discipleship in the world. That’s the rubric I have in mind in each chapter: Drama, Doctrine, Doxology, and Discipleship.’

‘My goal throughout this volume is to persuade fellow believers that sound theology arises out of the Scriptures, to the practical end of reconciling sinners to God in Christ, so that we worship the Triune God and love and serve our neighbors in the world. Theology fuels mission.’

‘I argue that the modern self is a “master,” demanding autonomy, dominance, and control, while the postmodern self is more like a “tourist.” If the modern person not only has a destination but imagines that he or she has already arrived, the postmodern person is more likely to drift from booth to booth at Vanity Fair without any real goal or destination: from nowhere to nowhere, but making things interesting in between. In contrast to both, the believer is a pilgrim: a clear destination, but we haven’t arrived.’

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