Tuesday 25 January 2011

Michael W. Goheen on the Missional Church and the Biblical Story

Michael W. Goheen, A Light to the Nations: The Missional Church and the Biblical Story (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, forthcoming 2011), 256pp., ISBN 9780801031410.

I’ve been looking forward to this ever since it was first announced a tantalisingly long time ago. For the moment, it’s worth noting that the Preface and the first chapter are available as an excerpt here on the publisher’s website.

Goheen begins: ‘My primary concern in this book is to analyze the missional identity of the church by tracing its role in the biblical story’ (ix).

He goes on to note five factors from his background which have shaped the book: his doctoral dissertation on the missionary ecclesiology of Lesslie Newbigin, doctoral seminars on ecclesiology with George Vandervelde, past and ongoing pastoral experience, the opportunity over several decades to teach the material to undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as the opportunity to present the material to pastors.

I fully expect this to be a rich volume.

A website has been created to accompany the book, though it doesn’t yet appear be live.

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