Wednesday 9 December 2020

The Regent World 32, 2 (2020) on J.I. Packer

The latest issue of The Regent World, published Regent College, Vancouver, is devoted to ‘Remembering J.I. Packer’. Here is the blurb:

‘Google “J. I. Packer tribute” and in less than a second, you are given 730,000 options. Such abundance makes it hard to understand why one more tribute is worth doing. Hasn’t everything been said? Wasn’t Jim the embodiment of concise word choice?

‘Yet this edition of the World is a tribute to Jim and it is different. Almost all the writers knew him well; they worked with him very closely as students, clergy, colleagues, friends. They shared meals with him, tapped their feet to Jelly Roll Morton with him, and knelt next to him in church.

‘May you be as encouraged in seeing new vistas of Jim Packer as they were in knowing him.’

Individual articles are available from here.

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