Monday, 2 February 2015

Mike Cosper on TV and Movies

One of the things I’d like to do more of this year is to post mini summaries and reviews of books I’ve read. I don’t know how this will turn out, but here’s one to be going on with...

Mike Cosper, The Stories We Tell: How TV and Movies Long For and Echo the Truth (Wheaton: Crossway, 2014).

TV and films are pervasive in their reach and powerful in their ability to reflect and shape our deepest desires. Mike Cosper helpfully explores the connection between the stories we tell ‘with the bigger story that God is telling, and... what these stories reveal about being human, being fallen, and longing for redemption’. Drawing on a variety of examples, from Avatar to The X-Files, he explores themes related to the loss of innocence, the search for love, the reality of frustration and fear, darkness and violence, the search for heroes, the yearning for a better world, and more. As Cosper shows, all these stories are echoed in the biblical story and find their deepest answer in the gospel.

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