Sunday 25 September 2011

Equip to Disciple Issues Two and Three (2011)

The second and third 2011 issues of Equip to Disciple are online here (6 MB pdf) and here (3.7 MB pdf) respectively, carrying their usual assortment of brief articles and reviews (in amongst a pile of adverts).

I’ve been particularly interested in the article on the kingdom (the first of two parts) in Issue 3, in which the editor, Charles Dunahoo, addresses issues related to the so-called ‘two kingdoms’ approach to the church and culture. (The same issue also carries a review of David VanDrunen’s recent book, Living in God’s Two Kingdoms.)

Dunahoo advocates a ‘one kingdom model’:

‘We take the position... that the kingdom, which predates the church, now has the church at the heart of the kingdom. The kingdom is one and the church is part of that kingdom with the special assignment to make disciples for the purpose of worshipping and serving God in his Kingdom... While the church’s role is not to transform culture or society, as it disciples its people to live with a biblically reformed world and life view, their witness and influence will make an impact on the culture, not by embracing it, but by living a Christlike life in every area of life’ (9).

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