Tuesday 1 March 2011

Tim Keller on the Five Ministry Fronts in the City

Q Ideas carries a piece by Tim Keller on the five ministry fronts of Redeemer Presbyterian Church.

He begins:

‘Foundational to everything we do is the gospel message that God entered the world in Jesus Christ to achieve a salvation we could not achieve for ourselves.’

This good news, he goes on to say is grace-centred and kingdom-centred. And from this understanding of the gospel flows five ways to minister in the city...

(1) ‘We are a church that seeks to be highly effective in evangelism to skeptical people.’

(2) ‘We are a church that seeks to provide spiritual formation primarily through community.’

(3) ‘Redeemer seeks to minister in both word and deed.’

(4) ‘Redeemer seeks to help its people integrate their faith and work for the purpose of cultural renewal.’

(5) ‘Our church must be the catalyst for a major movement of new churches.’

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