Thursday 3 November 2016

Tim Keller on Making Sense of God

I wrote the following mini review for EG, the quarterly magazine produced by the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity.

Timothy Keller, Making Sense of God: An Invitation to the Sceptical (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2016)

By Keller’s own admission, this book provides a prequel of sorts to his 2008 best-seller, The Reason for God. The earlier book assumed readers were interested in hearing a rational case for the Christian faith. This one starts further back, arguing that Christianity makes sense not just rationally, but emotionally and culturally too.

Keller is always worth reading, but I think he’s at his best here, winsomely demonstrating how Christianity is more robust than secularism when it comes to meaning, happiness, freedom, identity, hope, morality, and justice. Keller writes with intelligence and elegance, drawing on sources from a variety of fields. His clarity and generosity mean this book could be passed on to an interested but sceptical friend or colleague, but it’s also essential reading for all those who are concerned to communicate the Christian faith well in the age in which we live.

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