Tuesday 1 November 2016

Mission Frontiers 38, 6 (November-December 2016)

The November-December 2016 issue of Mission Frontiers, published by the U.S. Center for World Mission, contains a number of articles on ‘40 Years of the USCWM/Frontier Ventures and the Unreached Peoples Movement’.

Editor Rick Wood writes:

‘In this issue we pause to look back on the legacy of faithfulness of people like Ralph Winter and others who with vision and passion in their hearts for God’s glory in all peoples, risked so much and worked so hard to launch the USCWM/Frontier Ventures and the unreached peoples movement. They made all the progress of the last 40 years possible. We stand on the shoulders of giants, but in many ways they were just people like us whom God chose to use because of their faithfulness and availability – and God honored their faith. As we seek to reach the unreached peoples in our day, we must believe that the God who was faithful in providing for the Winters will also be faithful in providing for us.

‘What is our identity in Christ? Is it only as sinners saved by the grace of God, who are looking for Jesus to bless our lives here and in the life to come? Or rather, is our identity also tied to the fact that Jesus has given us a mission that all of us have been called to participate in?

‘In order to succeed at reaching the unreached, we must also do ministry the way that Jesus intended. Biologically, the human race survives and grows by way of parents giving birth to children and then raising them to maturity. Likewise, God has designed the Church to grow organically and exponentially by means of well-equipped disciples passing on their faith to others who are also well-trained to make disciples generation after generation.’

Individual articles can be accessed from here, and the whole issue (5.6 MB) can be downloaded as a pdf here.

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