Wednesday 23 April 2014

Themelios 39, 1 (April 2014)

The latest Themelios is online here (and available here as a single pdf), containing the following articles:

D.A. Carson
Do the Work of an Evangelist

Off the Record
Michael J. Ovey
The Covert Thrill of Violence? Reading the Bible in Disbelief

Brian J. Tabb
Editor’s Note
What is the task and focus of Christian theology? What are the distinctive contributions of biblical theology and systematic theology? In this issue of Themelios, a distinguished systematic theologian (Gerald Bray) and biblical theologian (Thomas Schreiner) address these and other questions. Schreiner reviews Bray’s God Is Love: A Biblical and Systematic Theology (Crossway, 2012), with a response by the author. Then Bray reviews Schreiner’s The King in His Beauty: A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments (Baker, 2013), followed by a response from Schreiner.

Thomas R. Schreiner
A Biblical Theologian Reviews Gerald Bray’s Systematic Theology

Gerald Bray
Response to Tom Schreiner

Gerald Bray
A Systematician Reviews Tom Schreiner’s Biblical Theology

Thomas R. Schreiner
Response to Gerald Bray

Collin Hansen
Revival Defined and Defended: How the New Lights Tried and Failed to Use America’s First Religious Periodical to Quiet Critics and Quell Radicals
Thomas Prince, editor of The Christian History – the first religious periodical in American history – could hardly have invented the Great Awakening, as Frank Lambert argues. Indeed, Prince and New Light allies such as Jonathan Edwards failed in their efforts to employ this growing medium to quiet critics and quell radicals. Their example actually refutes both the scholarly critics of revival, who doubt God’s supernatural blessing, and also modern-day radicals, who believe our actions guarantee God’s blessing of revival.

Robert W. Yarbrough
Should Evangelicals Embrace Historical Criticism? The Hays-Ansberry Proposal
Evangelical Faith and the Challenge of Historical Criticism, edited by Christopher Hays and Christopher Ansberry, argues that evangelical scholars have failed to embrace historical criticism to the extent that they could and should. This review essay surveys the book’s argument by chapters, asks how its claims should be evaluated, and arrives at the conclusion that while the Hays-Ansberry proposal marks a significant step in discussion of these matters, it is not always a step in a helpful direction.

Pastoral Pensées
Ray Van Neste
The Care of Souls: The Heart of the Reformation
Too often people think of the Reformation in terms of an abstract theological debate. While intensely theological, the Reformation was not merely about ideas; it was about correctly understanding the gospel for the good of people and the salvation of souls. This thesis is advanced by investigating Reformation leaders, primarily Luther, Calvin, and Bucer. As we seek to appropriate lessons from the Reformation for today, we must not miss the pastoral impulse that drove this recovery of the gospel.

Book Reviews

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