Wednesday 30 April 2014

Credo Magazine 4, 2 (April 2014)

The current issue of Credo is out, this one devoted to ‘Churchy Gimmicks: Has the Church Sold Its Soul to Consumerism?’

Here’s a paragraph from the editorial blurb:

‘In this issue of Credo Magazine we hope to pour an ice-cold bucket of water in the face of the church. No longer can we turn to the culture to decide what the church should be and do. God, his gospel, and his bride are not products to be sold. And those who walk through the church doors on Sunday morning are not customers to entertain. Such an approach makes man the center and treats the church like a business. In contrast, our aim in this issue is to draw church-goers and church leaders back to Scripture, which we believe should be our final authority and guide for worship. In doing so, we must recover the ordinary means of grace that God uses to equip the saints and transform us into the image of Christ.’

The magazine is available to read here, and a 28 MB pdf of the whole issue can be downloaded here.

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