Thursday 17 February 2011

Trevin Wax on Gospel Definitions

Back in March 2010, I posted a link to a very useful collection of definitions of the ‘gospel’ by Trevin Wax (one of my favourite bloggers, by the way).

He’s posted an update recently, available as a pdf here.

While we’re at it, keep a look out for his forthcoming from book, due out in April this year:

Trevin Wax, Counterfeit Gospels: Rediscovering the Good News in a World of False Hope (Chicago: Moody, forthcoming 2011).

In this book, he says, he treats the ‘gospel’ more fully, seeing it as a three-legged stool. As the book blurb puts it:

‘There’s the Gospel Story – the grand narrative of Scripture (Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration). Within that overarching framework, we make the Gospel Announcement about Jesus Christ (His perfect life, substitutionary death, resurrection, exaltation). The gospel announcement then births the Gospel Community: God’s church – the embodiment of the gospel, the manifestation of God’s kingdom. A counterfeit gospel is like a colony of termites, eating away at one of the legs of this stool until the whole thing topples over. This book exposes six common counterfeits (Therapeutic, Judgmentless, Moralist, Quietist, Activist, and Churchless) that would get us off track.’

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