Saturday 13 November 2010

New and Forthcoming Books from P&R Publishing

There are several new and forthcoming books from P&R Publishing; the ones that that I’ll be checking out are listed below, along with brief blurb from the publisher and links to excerpts:

Paul K. Helseth, “Right Reason” and the Princeton Mind: An Unorthodox Proposal (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2010), ISBN 9781596381438.

Overturns the historical consensus that Old Princetonian theologians were nothing more than enlightenment rationalists – and re-establishes them within the reformed spiritual tradition that considers the renewed mind as a servant to the Holy Spirit.

[Having read articles by Helseth on this topic some years back – when it was trendy in some quarters to accuse the Old Princetonians of being dry-as-dust rationalists – I’ve been looking forward to a fuller treatment.]

Excerpt here.

Peter Enns, Douglas J. Green, and Michael B. Kelley (eds.), Eyes to See, Ears to Hear: Essays in Memory of J Alan Groves (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2010), 288pp., ISBN 9781596381223.

Groves was a pioneer of modern biblical studies, using computers to analyze the Hebrew Old Testament. These articles have been collected to honor his work and also his character as a loving Christian exemplar.

[This looks like a interesting collection of some pieces of biblical-theological reflection.]

Excerpt here (which includes an essay by Tremper Longman on suffering, worth checking out).

John M. Frame, The Doctrine of the Word of God, A Theology of Lordship Volume 4 (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2010), 720pp., ISBN 9780875522647.

‘The Word of God’ is a multi-faceted concept. God speaks but Word is one of Jesus’s names. God’s personal communications take other forms, through prophets, apostles, and the written Word. Frame investigates them all.

[This is the fourth volume in Frame’s ‘Theology of Lordship’ series, each successive one seeming to be larger than the previous one; I caught some of this as the chapters were serialised online, and there’s no doubt it will come to stand as one of the fullest evangelical treatments of Scripture for years to come.]

Excerpt here.

Arie C. Leder, Waiting for the Land: The Story Line of the Pentateuch (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2010), 224pp., ISBN 9780875521961.

How should Israel’s waiting for their land shape our reading of the Pentateuch, and how should this shape the hope of the church today? Treating the Pentateuch as a coherent and progressive story, Waiting for the Land is the first book-length exploration of these questions. Following an introduction to the Pentateuch, Leder examines each book, showing that the promise of the land was not realized. He then shows how the contemporary church should wait for its land.

[Looks like it will provide a careful holistic reading of the Pentateuch.]

Excerpt here.

Christopher W. Morgan, A Theology of James: Wisdom for God's People, Explorations in Biblical Theology (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2010), ISBN 9781596380844.

Chris Morgan accomplishes a seldom-attempted task, laying out a biblical, coherent theology of the epistle of James. He connects the particulars of James to the big picture of the Bible and argues that its instruction is both grounded in theology and is theology applied.

[Part of P&R’s growing ‘Explorations in Biblical Theology’ series, this is the first title devoted to a particular book of the Bible rather than a distinct theme.]

Excerpt here.

Ron Gleason, Herman Bavinck: Pastor, Churchman, Statesman and Theologian (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2010), 512pp., ISBN 9781596380806.

Highlighting the breadth of Herman Bavinck’s experience in theology and politics, Ronald N. Gleason offers the English-speaking world a vivid picture of the Dutch theologian’s life. Gleason, a leading authority on Bavinck’s life and ideas, brings to light Bavinck’s rich family heritage and contends that his family background played a crucial role in the development of the man who wrote the magisterial Reformed Dogmatics.

[This will nicely complement the recent-ish four-volume English translation of Bavinck’s Reformed Dogmatics, especially for those of us unable to read Dutch.]

Excerpt here.

Bryan Gregory, Longing for God in an Age of Discouragement: The Gospel According to Zechariah (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2010), ISBN 9781596381421.

[Part of P&R’s ‘The Gospel According to the Old Testament Series’, with some volumes stronger than others, in my opinion; I’m looking forward to this one.]

Excerpt here.

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