Monday 15 November 2010

Frank Thielman on Ephesians

Frank Thielman, Ephesians, Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2010), 592pp., ISBN 9780801026836.

Baker Books make available here the introduction to Frank Thielman’s new commentary on Ephesians; it covers the following topics:

1. The Authorship of Ephesians

2. The Literary Character of Ephesians

3. The Recipients of Ephesians

4. The Date and Setting of Ephesians in Paul’s Career

5. The Circumstances That Prompted Ephesians

6. The Structure of Ephesians

• Prescript and greeting (1:1–2)

• Blessing God who has blessed his people in Christ (1:3–14)

• Thanksgiving for conversion and intercession for understanding (1:15–23)

• From children of wrath to new creation (2:1–10)

• From existence without God to membership in the people of God (2:11–22)

• Paul’s divinely given task and his suffering for the Gentiles (3:1–13)

• Paul prays for his readers’ inner strength and praises the God who can give it (3:14-21)

• The growth of the church toward unity and maturity (4:1–16)

• A reminder of how to live as new human beings (4:17–5:2)

• Avoiding and transforming the deeds of darkness (5:3–14)

• Wise conduct within the household (5:15–6:9)

• Standing against the strategies of the devil (6:10–20)

• A concluding commendation and a final prayer-wish (6:21–24)

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