Friday 16 July 2010

James H. Waltner on the Psalms

James H. Waltner, Psalms, Believers Church Bible Commentary (Scottdale: Herald, 2006), 838pp., ISBN 9780836193374.

This is the volume on the Psalms in a generally-overlooked (in my opinion) series of commentaries on the Bible.

The publishers make available the Table of Contents and the 12-page Introduction, which includes helpful sections on encountering God in the Psalms, finding one’s way through the Psalms, theological themes in the Psalms (the Lord as refuge, the incomparable God, God the King, the human situation, the community of the people of God, the vitality of worship, the Psalms as Scripture, instruction and obedience), the Psalms and the New Testament, and suggestions for using the commentary.

1 comment:

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