Saturday 17 July 2010

American Theological Inquiry 3, 2 (2010)

The latest issue of American Theological Inquiry is now online (here), with the following contents:

Patristical Reading

St. John Chrysostom
On the Priesthood, Book II, 1c-4


Paul Helm
Senses, Intellect and Spirit

Gerald O’Collins, S.J.
Philip Pullman on the Miracles of Jesus

L. Clifton Edwards
The Beauty of Frontier: A Revelation of the Human Destination in God

David H. Wenkel
Paul Barnett and the Logic of History: Some Problems With his Approach to the Historical Jesus

Ryan McIlhenny
‘God is in Your Head’: Neurotheology and Religious Belief

Glenn B. Siniscalchi
Knowing That God Exists: Retrieving the Teaching of Dei Filius

Bruce Ballard
Affective Constitution and the Problem of Suffering

Erik J. Wielenberg
Objective Morality and the Nature of Reality

Lyle Story
An Inclusive Olive-Tree (Romans 11:11-24)

Book Reviews

The Ecumenical Creeds of Christianity

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