Saturday 30 December 2023

Vista 44 (November 2023) on Polycentric Mission

The latest issue of Vista looks at the topic of ‘Polycentric Mission for Europe’.

A brief excerpt from the opening article by Jim Memory sets the scene:

‘[A] new word has emerged in recent missiological studies to describe one of the features of the spread of Christianity in today’s world: polycentric. Whilst not as ubiquitous as the word “missional”… the terms polycentric mission and polycentric leadership have been popularised by a number of authors… and have featured as the theme of conferences…

‘This article, and by extension the whole of this issue of Vista, seeks to explore the meaning and use of the word polycentric in Christian mission studies today and, more specifically, consider its implications for mission in Europe.’

The entire issue can be downloaded as a pdf here.

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