Tuesday 31 January 2023

Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal 27 (2022)

The latest issue of Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal is online, containing the below essays.

The whole issue is available for download here.

Timothy Miller

Rome, Caesar, and the Historical Setting of 1 Peter

Mark A. Snoeberger

Refining Dispensational Discourse: Reconsidering Four Common Expressions

Kyle C. Dunham

The Woman Who Is a Snare: The Identity and Nature of the Female Figure in Ecclesiastes 7:25–29

Jeff Straub

Baptists and Freemasonry: A Conflicted History

Mark A. Hassler

“My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?” Psalm 22 as Direct Predictive Prophecy about Jesus Christ on the Cross

Brett Williams

Augustine’s View of the Church As Revealed in His Use of Cyprian’s Contra Donatistas

Book Reviews

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