Friday 22 July 2022

Six Beats One Story

Borrowing from Andrew Ollerton’s book, The Bible: A Story That Makes Sense of Life, a new resource from Bible Society – ‘Six Beats One Story’ – sums up the story of Scripture in six key scenes – Origins, Exodus, Exile, Messiah, Spirit, Home.

According to the Bible Society website:

‘Summing up the Bible narrative in just six scenes, Dai Woolridge unpacks the big story through colloquial prose, social media type posts and spoken word poetry.

‘The aim is to creatively retrace some of the key beats in the Bible story, and ask the question, “In light of Jesus, what’s this mean for us today?”’

More information, including a four-minute animated overview of the biblical story and tracks of spoken work poetry on each of the six ‘beats’ is available here.

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