Saturday 30 July 2022

Centre for Public Christianity (July 2022)

Among other items, the Centre for Public Christianity has this month posted some new ‘Life and Faith’ podcast episodes:

Asking Questions: Finding Answers – ‘Darrell Bock talks about the things that pushed him, as a young man, to ask deep questions about life and meaning. And where he found answers.’

Pandemic Fatigue – ‘After two years of the exhaustion we’ve felt living in the midst of the pandemic, is “not coping” the new “busy” – in other words, the standard reply to “how are you?” these days?’

Seen & Heard: The Third – ‘Have you read Jonathan Franzen’s latest novel? Are you a Trevor Noah fan? Are you ready to call the best film of 2022? Let Simon, Natasha, and Justine talk you into watching/reading some of the things they love.’

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