Saturday 28 May 2022

Foundations 82 (Spring 2022)

Issue 82 of Foundations: An International Journal of Evangelical Theology, published by Affinity, is now available (here in its entirety as a pdf), which includes the below essays.

Donald John MacLean


Leonardo De Chirico

To Be Or Not To Be: Exercising Theological Stewardship of the Name Christian

The word “Christian” can mean different things to different people and can be used in different contexts. After discussing the first biblical instance in which the name was used in Antioch (Acts 13:26), this article examines present-day evangelical parameters of what it means to be a Christian taking into account the broad evangelical consensus. It then compares and contrasts it to some adjectival descriptors such as “nominal” and “anonymous” (e.g. K. Rahner) as they are applied in the wider ecumenical world, finding them defective. As was the case in the New Testament Antioch, being a Christian means having heard, understood and received the gospel even today. In this sense, “nominal” and “anonymous” Christianity is a self-contradictory definition.

Duncan Peters

The “Same God” Issue and the Communication of the Gospel to Muslims

This article seeks to present a theological balance which both strongly affirms that as salvation is only in Jesus Christ no one can be saved through Islam (or indeed any other religious system) but at the same time argues that recent strong reactions to the language of Muslims and Christians worshipping (in some sense) the “same God” lack nuance and can hinder evangelistic dialogue with Muslims.

Stephen Clark

Some Thoughts on Carl Trueman Lecture: “The Other Genevan: Rousseau and the Rise of the Modern Mind”

This article examines the position of Carl Trueman on the influence of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in shaping the modern mind. It argues, that while Trueman provides many helpful insights, the overall historiography presented is not compelling. Other figures, and other influences, have played significant roles in shaping the modern world. However, though God works in and through history, the ultimate explanation for the modern mind is found in Romans 1, and God removing his restraint of society.

Steve Bishop

Herman Dooyeweerd’s Christian Philosophy

Herman Dooyeweerd (1894-1977) was one of the foremost philosophers of the Netherlands. He developed a Christian philosophy based on the approach of Dutch statesman and theologian Abraham Kuyper. In this article, I provide a brief introduction to Dooyeweerd and outline the contours of his Christian philosophy. His philosophy was unique in that it started with the creator and his laws, rather than thought, reason, common sense, observation, logic or any other created aspect.

Robert Letham

The Corporate and the Individual, The Spirit and the Sacraments: Some Reflections on Comments By Stephen Clark

Stephen Clark

The Corporate and the Individual, the Spirit and the Sacraments: Reply to Professor Robert Letham’s Response to Review Article on his Systematic Theology

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