Tuesday 15 March 2022

Word and World 9 (June 2021/February 2022)

Issue 9 of Word and World, published by IFES in June 2021, has been expanded with with further articles on the topic of ‘Race and Justice. The issue now contains the below pieces, which are available from here, and as a pdf here.

Paula Fuller

Left Behind: Justice and the Church after George Floyd

Paula Fuller, the Executive Vice President of People and Culture at InterVarsity USA, reflects on persistent racial divides in the American church and how students should be shaped to be agents of reconciliation.

N.T. Wright

Undermining Racism

N.T. Wright, author and theologian, also shares his perspective on the church as God’s worldwide family, and how ‘racism is a failure of vocation.’

Bethany Peevy

Let Justice Roll: Building Bridges, Pursuing Justice

We also look back at our series of Conexión articles from the past year, with stories of students across IFES regions who are choosing to confront and address injustice in their own contexts.

Jasmine Foo

Translating Vision into Reality: Normalizing the Biblical Image of Racial Relations

Jasmine Foo, former staff worker from FES Singapore and Assistant Director in Strategic Planning & Training with State Courts of Singapore, now undertaking doctoral research in Biblical Studies at King's College London, brings a perspective on ‘Translating Vision into Reality: Normalizing the Biblical Image of Racial Relations’ through an Asian lens.

Eleasah Phoenix Louis

Preservation and Liberation

Eleasah Phoenix Louis, a UK-based emerging theologian and consultant with various church and parachurch organisations, presents her perspectives on preservation and liberation in relation to race and justice issues.

Alejandra Ortiz

The Letter of James in Contexts of Inequality: A Latin American Perspective

Alejandra Ortiz, a member of IFES staff in Latin America, brings us perspective from her region on how to live out the epistle of James in contexts of inequality.

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