Tuesday 6 April 2021

Preaching the Book of Daniel

A few resources on preaching the book of Daniel:

David Helm, ‘Teaching Daniel’ (Help Me Teach the Bible Podcast, with Nancy Guthrie).

Josh Manley, ‘3 Reasons to Preach Through Daniel’ (9 Marks).

• Daniel teaches Christians to be faithful where they are planted

• Daniel exposes the folly of idolatry

• Daniel upholds the sovereign God who reigns over everything

Josh Reich, 3 Tips for Preaching the Book of Daniel’.

• The book is about God, not Daniel, the end times, or your church

• Don’t get stuck in the weeds

• Tell people about God’s character and power

Matt Smethurst, ‘Jesus in the Lions’ Den? Preaching Christ from Daniel’ (The Gospel Coalition) – a correspondence with Sidney Greidanus, author of Preaching Christ from Daniel: Foundations for Expository Sermons (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012).

J. Paul Tanner, ‘Preaching the Book of Daniel’ (Preachers and Preaching Podcast).

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