Monday 1 June 2020

Foundations 78 (Spring 2020)

Issue 78 of Foundations: An International Journal of Evangelical Theology, published by Affinity, is now available (here in its entirety as a pdf), which includes the below essays, mostly focused on the discipline of systematic theology. The summaries are take from Donald John MacLean’s editorial.

Donald John MacLean

Donald John MacLean
God is Our Refuge and Strength
This is a section of the sermon preached in the first ‘virtual’ service we held at Cambridge Presbyterian Church following government advice for churches to cease meeting physically.

Jonathan Bayes
Review Article: Robert Letham’s Systematic Theology
We begin with an excellent in-depth review article on Bob’s Systematic Theology by Dr Jonathan Bayes. The review is insightful, sympathetic, but also offers correctives from Dr Bayes’ Reformed Baptist position.

Martin Foord
The Need for Systematic Theology in Theological Education
Foord outlines the nature of theological education, the nature of systematic theology and makes a compelling case for the necessity of the latter in training for pastoral ministry. Foord does not shy away from highlighting the weakness of systematic theology done badly, but rightly argues that this should not be used to discredit its vital importance, when done well.

Daniel Schrock
John Murray, Biblical Theology and Systematic-Theological Method
Murray was a systematic theologian of the first order, but he was this because he was first an exceptional exegete and biblical theologian. Daniel Schrock’s article does a wonderful job in expounding and defending Murray’s theological method.

Benedict Bird
John Owen’s Taxonomy of the Covenants: Was He a Dichotomist or a Trichotomist?
Owen’s articulation of covenant theology has been a matter of scholarly dispute. Bird is a safe guide through these debates, and opens up Owen’s views simply to enable us to weigh them in the light of Scripture.

Thorsten Prill
The Use of English in Cross-Cultural Mission: Observations from Africa
Thorsten Prill presents the case that missionaries should learn local languages, even where English is spoken.

Book Reviews

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