Monday 18 May 2020

Mission Frontiers 42, 3 (May-June 2020)

The May-June 2020 issue of Mission Frontiers, published by the U.S. Center for World Mission, contains a number of articles on the theme of ‘Tokyo 2010: Why it Still Matters’.

According to the blurb:

Ten years ago, almost 1,000 delegates from 73 countries got together for the Tokyo 2010 conference. In this issue we look back over the last ten years to see what impact this meeting has had on the course of world evangelization and answer the legitimate question of “Why does Tokyo 2010 still matter today?” Is it really possible that a meeting of 1,000 mission and church leaders could actually be making a difference 10 years later? That is what we want to look at in this issue and to take note of what God has done over the last 10 years and see what still remains to be done. In the midst of the worldwide coronavirus situation, Editor Rick Wood reminds us that when a viral pandemic infects the world, bringing fear and isolation, we need the viral spread of trained disciple-makers and church-planters to spread the love of Jesus to a world in chaos. God is hard at work despite our uncertainties and has a plan of hope for our future.

The issue is available here, from where individual articles can be downloaded, and the entire issue can be downloaded as a pdf here.

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