Friday, 13 March 2020

Mission Frontiers 42, 2 (March-April 2020)

The March-April 2020 issue of Mission Frontiers, published by the U.S. Center for World Mission, contains a number of articles on the theme of ‘Movements: God’s Way of Reaching Entire Peoples’.

According to the blurb:

‘This issue of Mission Frontiers tracks the power of movements over the course of history. Movements to Christ have always been the way that God has reached entire peoples. While movements have become much more frequent in our day, they are not new. They have been a continual reality for two millennia as God has worked according to His sovereign will to reach entire peoples with the gospel. We highlight a few of these movements in this latest edition of Mission Frontiers.’

The issue is available here, from where individual articles can be downloaded, and the entire issue can be downloaded as a pdf here.

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