Wednesday 25 December 2019

The Thronging Angels Hailed His Birth

I love this Christmas hymn, even though I’ve never sung it!

The words are by Frank Houghton (1894-1972), who served as General Director of the China Inland Mission (now OMF) between 1940 and 1951.

The thronging angels hailed His birth,
Their chorus woke the morn.
But not for them He came to earth –
‘Unto us a child is born!’

This wondrous Child is of our kin,
Though Lord of earth and heaven,
Redeemer from the curse of sin –
‘Unto us a Son is given.’

For God spared not His only Son,
The Saviour freely came,
Endured until His work was done,
For ‘Jesus’ is His name!

We who have greater cause than they
Acclaim with them the morn,
With angels and archangels say,
‘Hallelujah! Christ is born!’

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