Friday 27 December 2019

Knowing and Doing (Winter 2019)

The Winter 2019 edition of Knowing & Doing – ‘A Teaching Quarterly for Discipleship of Heart and Mind’ – from the C.S. Lewis Institute is now available online (from here), and contains the following articles:

Joel Woodruff
Is It True That “God’s Work, Done God’s Way, Will Never Lack God’s Supply?” The Test Case of Mary and Joseph
In this issue’s President’s letter, Joel Woodruff looks at the Christmas story as told in the Gospels and wonders how Joseph and Mary’s experience fits with the often-quoted maxim, “God’s work done God’s way will never lack God’s resources.” He suggests that things may be a bit more complicated than that.

Bill Kynes
How to Read the Bible, Part 3: The Bible’s Center is Jesus Christ
Bill Kynes continues his series on how to read the Bible by zeroing in on the task of interpretation. He rightly reminds us that Jesus is the center of all of Scripture and any effort to interpret a part of the Bible without remembering that bigger picture is doomed to failure.

Jana Harmon
Surprised by God: Reaching the Resistant
Jana Harmon interviewed fifty former atheists who had come to saving faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior. She tells us what she learned in the process, both from what her conversations partners said and how they told their remarkable stories.

Dan Osborn
Thoughts on Why People Drift from the Faith
Dan Osborn dares to wonder why some prominent Christians don’t persevere. As painful as the topic is, he rightly warns us not to ignore it. He also shares biblical insights as to how we can avoid the same tragic mistakes.

Randy Newman
A Multifaceted Gospel for Multifaceted People
Randy Newman shares an excerpt from his recent book Unlikely Converts: Improbable Stories of Faith and What They Teach Us About Evangelism that emphasizes the many ways Scripture talks about the Gospel. It’s not just about forgiveness (although that certainly is central and non-negotiable).

Thomas A. Tarrants
Biblical Meditation
Tom Tarrants considers how three influential leaders from Church history taught about biblical meditation. He challenges us to slow down in our busy world and allow God’s Word to penetrate our entire beings with its powerful, transforming truths.

Stuart McAlpine
Poem: To Joseph
C.S. Lewis loved poetry and wished he could be remembered most for his poems. They grab us in different ways than stories or prose. In each issue we feature a poem. We have selected one from Stuart McAlpine’s The Advent Overture: Meditations and Poems for the Christmas Season.

C.H. Spurgeon
Sermon – Songs in the Night
An inspiring classic sermon from the pulpit of C.H. Spurgeon (1834-1892) that we hope will be a blessing to you.

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