Wednesday 24 October 2018

Guy Brandon on Tattoos

The Jubilee Centre has published a piece from Guy Brandon, the second in a series on the laws in Leviticus, this one looking at the command in 19:28 which prohibits the Israelites from the practice of tattooing themselves.

He notes that in Leviticus and elsewhere in the Bible, tattooing and cutting ‘have strong religious connotations’ and ‘are discussed specifically in the context of funeral customs’.

‘The Bible does not suggest that tattooing is intrinsically pagan, even if the only references to tattooing it makes are within a pagan context... However, we also have to bear in mind Paul’s warnings in 1 Corinthians. The body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), and there are good arguments around needlessly altering or doing damage to God’s creation and dwelling place...’

The article is available here, and from here as a pdf in the Jubilee Centre’s Engage magazine.

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