Saturday 1 September 2018

A Personal Update

Regular readers of this blog (all three of you...) may like to know that as of today I start a new role as Senior Pastor of the Beacon Church, in Ashton-in-Makerfield, a small town in the north-west of England, pretty much equidistant between Liverpool and Manchester.

This has not been a quick decision, and I am grateful to friends far and wide – including those at the church – who have walked this path with us as a family and helped bring us to this point.

Working at the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (LICC) for the last 11 years has been inspirational and deeply formative, with brilliant colleagues who have become good friends, and I am glad to say I will be maintaining a relationship with the Institute through some regular and ongoing commitments. I am grateful to LICC and to the church for allowing this arrangement.

There are some significant changes ahead of us as a family, but we’re excited at what God might have in store for us over the next season!

Years ago, I recall Scot McKnight saying that there are bloggers who are creators and bloggers who are curators, and I’ve always been happy to fall into the latter category, passing on things that are interesting to me me in the hope that they will be interesting to others. For the moment at least, I fully intend to carry on posting items here periodically, with the same sort of content. This may shift slightly, reflecting my new set of commitments, so we’ll see how things go. Thanks for checking in.


  1. I hope your new ministry leaves you some time to continue to minister to me through your blog. That sounds selfish, but I have really prospered from them.

  2. Thanks Roger – great to hear from you. I will certainly be seeking to make time to continue posting.
