Friday 13 July 2018

Setting God’s People Free for… Monday to Saturday

This is an excellent short booklet, written by Mark Greene (my boss at LICC, though I’d still be recommending it even if he wasn’t, honest, guv...), outlining ‘seven small shifts that will make a big difference to the way we worship, pray and support each other in our everyday faith’:

1. Be curious
2. Visiting people in context
3. Sunday praying for Monday to Saturday living
4. This time tomorrow
5. What’s noticed on notice boards?
6. Commissioning people
7. Preaching matters

All seven flow out of a conviction that ‘the gathered life and worship of a church is a vital expression of our faith’, but asks how this time together can ‘better nurture our life of faith across the week’.

There’s a click-on summary for each point, but you’ll have to purchase the inexpensive booklet to get the fuller reflections. 

This forms part of the Church of England’s ‘Setting God’s People Free’ initiative, seeking to facilitate a shift in church culture to ‘enable the whole people of God to live out the Good News of Jesus confidently in all of life, Sunday to Saturday’.

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