Wednesday 13 June 2018

Anvil 34, 1 (2018) on Mission

The Journal Anvil is hosted online by Church Mission Society. The latest issue contains the below articles, along with a good number of book reviews, and is available as a pdf here.

Mike Pears
Mission and Place: From Eden to Caesarea
Mike Pears examines the significance of place and geography in relation to mission in a world where many feel displaced, dislocated and precarious.

Kyama Mugambi
Mission is Not Western: Kenyan Perspectives on Identity, Church Planting, Social Transformation, and Bold Mission Initiatives
Kyama Mugambi shows how mission is operating in a new paradigm that involves an explosion of church planting, social transformation and global gift exchange.

Cathy Ross
Lament and Hope
Cathy Ross draws on African theology to explore how lament can address injustice and offer new hope.

Debbie James and Thomas Fowler
Mission Is... Good Question: Reflecting Upon the Pioneering Call to Join in with the Mission of God
Debbie James and Thomas Fowler discuss some of the findings of CMS’s 2017 Mission Is survey and some myths that may need busting.

Paul Bradbury and Tina Hodgett
Pioneering Mission Is... A Spectrum
Paul Bradbury and Tina Hodgett have designed an incredibly helpful map that offers insight into the spectrum of pioneer ministry.

Paul Ede
Our Hammyhill: What Creative Ways Can a Church Express Its Mission at the Heart of the Community, for the Benefit of the Community?
Paul Ede shows how a local community have been participating in transformation with God

Book Reviews

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