Tuesday 26 September 2017

John Van Sloten on Work

John Van Sloten, Every Job a Parable: What Farmers, Nurses and Astronauts Tell Us About God (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2017).

I was asked to write a commendation for the above book – and was happy to do so. Now that the book is out, I’ve pasted the commendation below. It doesn’t really count as a review, but it hopefully provides a flavour of what to expect if this is a topic that interests you.

‘You’ll meet people you know in these pages – electricians, landlords, mechanics, accountants, nurses, hairdressers – and you might even recognise yourself. You’ll certainly see yourself differently – as a human being, as a worker, as someone through whom God’s grace becomes visible in daily life. What do our everyday jobs, even the apparently most mundane, reveal about God? John Van Sloten brings with him a pastor’s heart, an array of real-life examples, and a capacity to spot God’s presence in even the most unlikely of places. Journeying with him through the book provides a way of learning to do the same.’

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