Tuesday 20 June 2017

Knowing and Doing (Summer 2017)

The Summer 2017 edition of Knowing & Doing – ‘A Teaching Quarterly for Discipleship of Heart and Mind’ – from the C.S. Lewis Institute is now available online (from here), and contains the following articles:

Joel Woodruff
President’s Letter – The Forgotten Letter “D” for Discipleship
Joel S. Woodruff, President of the C.S. Lewis Institute, warns against evaluating the success of the church based on attendance, buildings and cash. While these can be useful tools, the Great Commission given by Jesus is to make disciples who are learning to obey Him. Woodruff offers questions to consider in qualitatively measuring the church’s success in discipleship.

Todd Harper
Joy of Generosity
We live in a culture that would have us believe that the way to happiness is to gain more – more money, more things, more pleasure. In this excerpt from his book Abundant: Experiencing the Incredible Journey of Generosity, Todd Harper explores what the Bible has to say about money, and how to experience the abundance God wants for us.

Michael Ward
The Good Serves the Better and Both the Best: C.S. Lewis on Imagination and Reason in Christian Apologetics, Part 1 of 3
According to Michael Ward, C.S. Lewis is probably the most influential practitioner of Christian apologetics over the last hundred years. In this article, he looks at the Lewis of the 1930s, prior to the time he wrote his most influential works, in order to examine some of the groundwork to his thinking that enabled him to become so effective an apologist.

Randy Newman
From Narnia to the Gospel: Turning Conversations about C. S. Lewis to the Topic He Loved Most
If you’ve ever told someone that you’ve read something by C.S. Lewis or like his writing or have seen one of the Narnia movies, you may have found that many people have a positive view of him. In this article, Randy Newman identifies ways we can transition conversations about C.S. Lewis to conversations about Jesus Christ.

Kevin Offner
Augustine on Heaven and Rewards
This article discusses two themes that surface in Augustine’s sermons that may be helpful for our discipleship: understanding (1) salvation as primarily a process, a pilgrimage that is completed only in the future at our final destination, heaven, and (2) future rewards as a motivating factor for present godliness.

Ken Wilson
Life of J. Christy Wilson Jr. (1921-1999) and His Worldwide Discipling Ministry
Billy Graham once stated: “J. Christy Wilson will go down in history as one of the great and courageous missionaries for the gospel in the twentieth century.” This article tells the story of this remarkable man and his worldwide ministry.

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