Wednesday 21 December 2016

Anvil 32, 1 (2016)

The Journal Anvil is now hosted online by Church Mission Society.

The first issue published this way ‘has three CMS commitments as its theme: learn, pray and participate’, seen as ‘the lenses or frames through which we engage with mission’.

This issue contains the below articles (summary sentences are taken from Cathy Ross’ editorial), along with a good number of book reviews, and is available as a pdf here.

John Drane
Learning for Mission
John Drane picks up the learning commitment by considering what education for mission might look like if we took engagement in mission rather than content as our primary focus and question.

Adrian Chatfield
Prayer and Mission: Entering into the Ways of God
Adrian Chatfield draws on ancient traditions and mysticism to consider the relationship between prayer and mission.

Debbie James
Faithful Presence: A Re-emerging Mission Paradigm
Debbie James reflects on the importance of partnership and presence drawing on Anglican social tradition and the concept of ‘prophetic dialogue’ as a resource to encourage participation and presence.

Sue Butler
Re-defining Threshold
Sue Butler... reflects on her experience at Thirst, her missional community. Themes of prayer, hospitality, and threshold are explored as ways of encouraging people into a relationship with Jesus.

Luke Larner
Catching the Wind: Exploring Missio Dei in Context
Luke Larner reflects on the impact of missio Dei as part of his learning on the Pioneer Leadership course at CMS and how this has transformed his understanding of mission in his context in Luton.

Jon Soper
A Mission Statement
Jon Soper tells Nigel’s story to illustrate what they have been learning about missional participation in their context in Exeter.

Book Reviews

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