Monday 29 August 2016

Thomas S. Kidd on George Whitefield

Following the advice of a wise friend from years back, I always try to have a biography on the go, though they take me the longest to read. The one I’m reading – and enjoying – at the moment is Thomas S. Kidd’s George Whitefield: America’s Spiritual Founding Father (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2014). It reads well to me, and feels even-handed – respectful but by no means the hagiography one finds elsewhere.

Thomas Kidd posts on a blog with Justin Taylor – ‘Evangelical History’ – which is worth checking out.

He recently re-posted there a free George Whitefield curriculum that he put together a couple of years ago for the occasion of Whitefield’s 300th birthday. He envisioned it as a three-week series to be used ‘in adult Sunday School classes, small groups, or perhaps Sunday or Wednesday evening talks’, but it strikes me it’s also useful for individual readers. Information and individual files are available to download from here, with the entire collection available as a handy pdf here.

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