Sunday 28 August 2016

The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 20, 1 (2016) on Themes in Biblical Theology

The latest issue of the Southern Baptist Journal of Theology is devoted to ‘Themes in Biblical Theology’.

Stephen Wellum writes in the Editorial:

‘Biblical theology as a hermeneutical discipline attempts to exegete texts in their own context and then, in light of the entire canon, to examine the unfolding nature of God’s plan and carefully think through the relationship between before and after in that plan which culminates in Christ. As such, biblical theology provides the basis for understanding how texts in one part of the Bible relate to all other texts so that they will be read correctly, according to God’s intention, which is discovered through human authors but ultimately at the canonical level.’

Individual essays can be accessed from here, or the whole issue can be downloaded as a pdf here.

Stephen J. Wellum
Editorial: Reflections on the Significance of Biblical Theology

Peter J. Gentry
The Significance of Covenants in Biblical Theology

John D. Meade
The Meaning of Circumcision in Israel: A Proposal for a Transfer of Rite from Egypt to Israel

Ardel B. Caneday
Glory Veiled in the Tabernacle of Flesh: Exodus 33-34 in the Gospel of John

Joshua M. Greever
The Nature of the New Covenant: A Case Study in Ephesians 2:11-22

Brent E. Parker
Paedocommunion, Paedobaptism, and Covenant Theology: A Baptist Assessment and Critique

Tony Costa
The Sabbath and Its Relation to Christ and the Church in the New Covenant

Peter J. Gentry
“The Glory of God” – The Character of God’s Being and Way in the World: Some Reflections on a Key Biblical Theology Theme

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