Saturday 4 June 2016

Knowing and Doing (Summer 2016)

The Summer 2016 edition of Knowing & Doing – ‘A Teaching Quarterly for Discipleship of Heart and Mind’ – from the C.S. Lewis Institute is now available online (here as a pdf), and contains the following articles:

Joel Woodruff
President’s Letter
Who is the best candidate for President? What do we know about that candidate's beliefs, wisdom, intellect and actions? Do they practice what they preach? Are they the type of person who would make good decisions and look out for the best interests of our nation?

Dane Ortlund
The Defiance of Grace in the Ministry of Jesus
The grace that comes to us in Jesus Christ is not measured. This grace refuses to allow itself to be tethered to our innate sense of fairness, reciprocity, and balancing of the scales. It is defiant.

Randy Newman
Engaging Conversation in an Age of Distraction
If we hope to engage in conversation about weighty topics, we need to have some level of competence in listening, asking good questions, and pursuing rich conversation.

Dennis Hollinger
Terrorism Through the Eyes of Faith
We might think that the antidote to fear is courage, since it is one of the classical cardinal virtues. But, the biblical response to fear is really hope.

Thomas A. Tarrants III
Knowing God Personally
Knowing God more deeply was not the privilege of only a few luminaries in the Old Testament. God called all of His people to know Him personally and love Him supremely with heartfelt devotion.

Sandy Smith
Surprised by Belfast: Significant Sites in the Land and Life of C.S. Lewis, Part II, Dundela Villas
Joy, as C.S. Lewis reminds us, is never a possession, it comes from desiring something else, something yet to be; the desire implies the absence of its object.

Paul Joen
Redeeming a Skeptical Contention: ‘Why Are Christians So Bad?’
The gospel can uniquely address the skeptic’s contention – because the gospel’s response is to demonstrate that there is Someone they can trust.


  1. When will the individual articles from the Summer 2016 issue be available?

  2. Hi Craig – the individual articles appear to be available here –
    All the best – Antony
