Thursday 10 March 2016

Southwestern Journal of Theology 58, 1 (2015) on Jude

The latest volume of the Southwestern Journal of Theology contains several essays devoted to the letter of Jude. They contributions flow out of a preaching workshop held in the Spring of 2015 which focused on that book.

Here’s an excerpt from the opening essay:

‘Though by no means the smallest book in the Bible, the Epistle of Jude is an oft-neglected jewel of the New Testament. Its diminutive size is disproportionate to its theological content and pastoral help. Central to its message is the call “to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered” ( Jude 4). Jude’s recipients were under attack because enemies of God slipped into their churches leading people astray. This reality of evil interlopers is still true for churches today, and the response to these attacks is the same today as it was for Jude’s readers: contend for the faith.’

The entire issue is available as a pdf here.

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