Thursday 3 March 2016

Knowing and Doing (Spring 2016)

The Spring 2016 edition of Knowing & Doing – ‘A Teaching Quarterly for Discipleship of Heart and Mind’ – from the C.S. Lewis Institute is now available online (here as a pdf), and contains the following articles:

Sandy Smith
Surprised by Belfast: Significant Sites in the Land and Life of C.S. Lewis, Part 1, Little Lea
Sandy Smith begins a new series exploring how C.S. Lewis’s life was shaped by the land of his birth, Belfast, Northern Ireland. The series focuses on specific significant locations in Lewis’s life. The site examined in this first article is Little Lea, boyhood home of C.S. Lewis.

Randy Newman
Mere Evangelism: Using C.S. Lewis’s Classic Book to Win Outsiders for Christ
Have you ever talked with a non-Christian about the gospel and wanted to follow up the conversation with the gift of a book? In this article, Randy Newman shares why he likes to give non-Christians who are open to the gospel a small, nicely packaged hardback book titled What Christians Believe, a single section of C.S. Lewis’s classic book Mere Christianity.

Benjamin C. Shaw and Gary R. Habermas
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ as Christianity’s Centerpiece
In this article, Benjamin Shaw and Gary Habermas discuss the significance of Jesus's resurrection, the powerful historical foundation, and why Christians today can live a life that is encouraged and empowered by Jesus’s resurrection.

Thomas A. Tarrants III
Who Is God? Part 2
Tom Tarrants continues his article helping us to see Who God Is. In this second part, Tarrants discusses some of the attributes of God, God's Revelation of Himself in the New Testament, and the Trinity.

J. Edward Glancy and Joel S. Woodruff
Celebrating Forty Years of Heart and Mind Discipleship: A Brief History of the C.S. Lewis Institute
This article looks back on the history of the C.S. Lewis Institute as we celebrate forty years of heart and mind discipleship.

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