Monday 22 February 2016

Vine Journal 2 (December 2015)

Vine Journal is published three times a year in both digital and print form by, the digital ideas and resources division of Matthias Media. According to the blurb, ‘ exists to explain and promote a Bible-based, Reformed-evangelical vision of Christian life and ministry, and to equip Christians everywhere with resources to be disciple-making disciples every day’.

More information about Vine Journal is available here. Volume 1 can be downloaded as a pdf here, and volume 2 (containing the below essays) can be downloaded as a pdf here.


Tony Payne
Cross or Glory

Mike Allen
Agreeing to Never Disagree


Mark Thompson
The Theology of the Cross for Today
“A theologian of glory calls evil good and good evil. A theologian of the cross calls the thing what it actually is.” With these typically startling and paradoxical words, Martin Luther summarized the difference between two diametrically opposed approaches to knowing and serving God. His insight is as relevant today as it was at the time of the Reformation.

Phillip Colgan
The Cross and Christian Ministry in the New Testament
The cross challenges many of our most cherished ideas and idols. But, as Phil Colgan argues, perhaps the most profound challenge of the cross to our ministries is its call to live an uncomfortable, insecure, cross-shaped life.

Mike Allen
Review Essay: One for Many

Ed Loane
From King’s College to Kingsford: Charles Simeon’s Enduring Influence on Australian University Ministry
Most of us are aware of Charles Simeon of Cambridge as a name in the pantheon of evangelical heroes. But as Ed Loane explains in this fascinating essay, Simeon’s influence on university ministries around the world was more profound than many people realize.

Sandy Grant
Defining and Defending Marriage
In a climate of controversy, slogans and emotive appeals, where clear thinking about the nature of marriage is hard to find, this essay by Sandy Grant is a breath of fresh air. In it he not only explores the most frequently unasked question in the same-sex marriage debate (“what is marriage?”), but offers helpful advice for how Christians can put their point of view intelligently and graciously.

Danny Rurlander
Clear and Good
1 Corinthians 11 is a perfect storm of problems for modern Bible readers. It seems hard to understand, and its message (as best as we can read it) grates with our cultural sensibilities. However, as Danny Rurlander argues in this careful and insightful reading of the passage, God’s word in 1 Corinthians is like the rest of Scripture: clear in its message, and thoroughly good in its effects.


  1. Having moved from a quarter of a century worshipping and being taught in a Reformed Baptist church and now no longer finding those Calvinistic teachings satisfactorily reflected in the Bible for a number of reasons, I was intrigued by the comment from Blocher towards the end of the articles about the significance of the death of Christ. When he writes: 'The witness fills the Bible. Christ offered himself as the Shepherd for his sheep, the King for his people, the Master for his friends, the Head for his body, the Bridegroom for his bride, the New and the Last Adam for his new creation and new humanity...' I would agree, but only in the terms defined by Klein in his book on corporate identity in Christ: that we become the elect only in Christ - not before. Blocher's argument is not necessarily valid for proving prior election, but simply for the status of believers and their relatioship to the crucified and risen Christ once they are 'in Christ'.

    Yours 'in Christ'
    Bob Fyfe-Taylor

  2. Thanks for your reflection, Bob – much appreciated. Yours, also ‘in Christ’ – Antony
