Wednesday 9 September 2015

Theos Report on the Next Coronation

The latest report from Theos has just been published:

Here’s the summary blurb:

‘Over recent years, various commentators and campaigners have begun to speculate on the shape of the next coronation, with a number arguing that, because Britain is a less Christian nation than it was in 1953, the coronation should be secular.

‘This report examines those arguments, drawing on the first extensive study of what the British people think about the coronation. Interviewing over 2,000 respondents – including a substantial sample of non-religious respondents and an additional booster sample for religious minority groups, who play such a key role in this debate – it reveals just what the British public think about and want from the next coronation. Do they think it is meaningful or meaningless? Do they feel alienated or excluded by it? And do they think it should be Christian, secular or multi-faith?

‘Combining the findings from this research with arguments from the coronation’s history – paying particular attention to how it has changed over the centuries and what it actually symbolises – the report argues that the next coronation should retain its Christian basis and foundation, but should be modified within this existing framework in order to reflect the changed nature of society.’

A pdf of the full report is available here.

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