Friday 3 July 2015

Exegetical Tools Quarterly 1.1 (July 2015)

The inaugural volume of Exegetical Tools Quarterly has just been made available online.

It’s described as a ‘resource-driven publication to help keep you up to date on the latest and greatest resources for you, your ministry, and your research’. Each issue will contain all posts from the Exegetical Tools’ blog for the three months previous to publication, including ‘book reviews, featured resources, new books, research resources, and... posts on current issues’.

The first volume is available as a pdf here.


  1. Hi Anthony, thanks for sharing the Quarterly! Also thanks for noting the editing lapse... I fixed it to 2015, and from June to July! Editing 95 pages inevitably makes you miss some things, but I'm a bit disappointed I missed the date at the top! Anyway, thanks for sharing the resource.

  2. Thanks Todd... It’s a great resource. I’ve taken out that reference to the date in my post above. Initially, I genuinely wondered whether I’d missed something that had already been out for a year, and then I saw some 2015 publications being reviewed. Thanks again.
